Jumat, 20 April 2012

Kamus Bali Inggris - Balinesse English Dictionary

 Need to Translate Balinesse teks to English

[a] the most frequent Balinese’ vowel; at the beginning of words it is usually written ha-but in some names, and in S words the symbol for the initial vowel (called akara S) is used (other names: a gora, a wayah).
[a-] the S negative prefix, also frequently written ha-.
[-a] (=-an, -ang, -in) a suffix referring to the 3ps (sing or pl); it may be (1) the direct object of a trans. vb: ngaliha ‘they sought him’ (2) the genitive of the pron.: bwahha ‘its fruit’ (3) the suffix indicating the agent of a pass. vb: bahana ‘was done, by him.’ [-a] originally began with [h], and is sometimes so written: huningha ‘know it,’ or the [h] is assimilated to the final consonant of the root, which is then written twice.
abhara logawa n. (=haralagawa) moderation in food, drink, and the use of time.
adi n. (=hadi) younger sister, wife.
minakadinyane used (them) as his wives.
agama n. (=gama, hagama) religion, religious law.
ageng H adj. (=agung, hagung) great, large, high (rank).
agung L adj. great, large, high (rank).
a gora n. the name of the letter [a] when used as an abbr. of the five letters sa, ba, ta, a, i, which stand for Úiwa.
ahimsa, ahingsa n. abstention from violence (S ahiýsà-).
akara n. the name of the letter, and sound [a] (S).
akrodha n. the religious duty of keeping one’s temper (S).
aku L ps pron. I (Jav haku).
alas duwine ‘the place of the bush (the desert-thor),’ from the story of Moses and the burning bush (Lk).
alengka n. Sri Lanka, Ceylon (S Laòka-, in the Ràmàyaóa).
aljabar n. algebra (Arab).
[-an] a suffix (originally [-han]) forming (1) abstract or collective nouns (2) modified adjectives, comparative or intensified (3) some types of verbs.
anu (=hanu) in hi hanu L, sang hanu H pron. an unspecified person, so-and-so; adj. ‘a certain’: dina hanu a certain day.
anugraha n. gift, present (S).
[-ang] a suffix (originally [-hang]) added to verbs, making them causative; making denominative verbs from nouns and adjectives (-yang H after a vowel).
angsoka (hangsoka) n. a species of tree valued for its flowers.
aparamada n. careful performance of religious duties and study (S).
apotik n. chemist’s shop (D apoteek).
area C n. the image, or the golden ornaments, of a god.
are n. a measure of land (D, Fr), 100 square meters.
arja n. properly a dramatic performance, but often only a dance.
artha n. mind.
astenya n. honesty, not stealing or cheating (S).
atawa K conj. (=utawa) or.
atma n. soul, spirit (S àtmà-).
atmanné his soul.
a wayah n. ‘old a,’ the name of the vowel sign a.
awighnam astu ‘may-it-be without-harm’ (S); a phrase usually written at the head of a book or a letter; it may be followed by swasti, or by nama sidem (S namo siddham).
awiwahara n. the religious duty of promoting peace and avoiding conflict (S).

ba 1 n. the thirteenth letter of the alphabet; ba kembang n. the name of the letter bha; ba n. the second letter of the pañcàkûara (sa, ba, ta, a, i,) standing for Úiwa.
ba 2 l. adv. abbr. of suba ‘past, already’; pron. abbr. of hiba ‘you.’
ba- a prefix which makes adjectives from adverbs (prepositions) indicating compass-points, e.g. badangin adj. lying east of.
bab (Raf) n. chapter, section (of a book) (Arab).
babad 1 (=babat) n. history, a historical account, a particular episode in an epic poem (Jav).
babad 2 n. the stomach or diaphragm of an animal; the retina of the eye.
babad 3 intrans. (mabad trans.) clear forest.
babadan n. a clearing, a cleared space; adj. having been cleared.
ba-badé-han L. n. a guess, an estimate.
ba-badong n. breastplate.
babadur n. a kind of sea fish.
ba-bagi-yan n. part, division, share.
babah 1. n. Chinese man.
babah 2. interj. of amazement or fright (=bah).
babah 3. intrans. (mabah trans.) make an opening, open something.
ba-bahan n. a thing brought; a thing obtained.
babahi n. an evil spirit.
ba-bahi-nan n. suffering caused by an evil spirit.
ba-bahi-yan n. weakness, affliction (bahya K. misfortune)
ba-bahos H. n. (=bahos) conversation, talk, discussion (pahomongan L.).
ba-bahos-an n. (abahos) conversation, talk, discussion (pahomongan L).
ba-bahud-an n. jokes, jesting, pranks; joker, fool.
babak intrans. (mabak trans.) scrape, graze (the skin), blister (from walking or working), peel off (skin); babak belur graze, scrape, scratch in a fall.
babakan n. the ground of a newly formed sawah; L n. the bark of a tree (kulit taru H). babakbabakan kinds of bark.
babakang, babakin pass. be peeled, grazed.
babakkan n. a new rice field; a locality, the small area around a little village.
ba-bakal-an n. the material to be used for something.
ba-bakar-an H. n. a roast (tatunuhan L).
ba-bakat-an n. inborn ability, talent, gift.
ba-bakta-han H. n. burden, something carried (habahhabahan L.).
babakan contraction of babaktahan.
babakuh-an n. ceremonial installation, inauguration.
ba-balé-n. n. little platforms constructed for offerings at some festivals.
ba-bali n. custom, customary law, offering, sacrifice; the festival clothes of those having their front teeth filed.
ba-balih-an n. spectacle, show.
ba-balung-an n. cattle, stock.
ba-banda-han) n. a prisoner, one arrested and bound.
ba-banda-n n. sentence, punishment.
ba-bander-an H. n. things, materials (brana L).
ba-banding-an L. n. likeness, counterpart, an exact copy (himbangan H).
ba-bandung-an n. forgery, counterfeit, an exact copy (intended to deceive).
ba-banten coll. n. offerings (religious), all that is needed to make the things offered to gods and evil spirits.
babang intrans. start up out of sleep; run and fall head over heels.
ba-bangga-n n. conceit, boastfulness.
ba-bangkit n. a kind of offering.
ba-bangun-an n. rising up, especially rising from the dead; a cut-out or painted figure representing the corpse at a cremation; a form, a model, a shape; intrans. have the form or shape of something.
ba-banyak-an n. the sight of a gun, made in the form of a goose’s beak.
ba-banyol-an n. jokes, amusing things.
babar 1 intrans. (mabar trans.) go over, leap over, trespass, transgress, break (the law).
bababarbabaran intrans. play leapfrog, jump over each other.
babarang pass. be caused to go over, be dragged over (fences, etc.).
babar 2. intrans. visit.
babar 3. interj. (emphatic assertion).
ba-baret n. a strong west wind.
ba-barong-an n. a performance with masks.
babas 1. intrans. appear unexpectedly or suddenly, be standing in front of someone else.
babas 2. n. obstacle, hinderance.
ba-basa-n 1. n. proverb, saying; manner of explaining something (mababasan intrans.).
babasan 2. n. a dictionary of Kawi into Low Balinese.
babat intrans. roast, toast (mabat trans.).
ba-babatar-an n. (=babaturan) floor of stone or earth; the soil, ground; sendi babataran a stone floor.
ba-batél-an n. a drum (beaten quickly) for dances.
ba-batur-an n. a floor of stone or earth (see babataran); n. a sacred, flat-roofed building of stone.
ba-bawos H. n. (=babahos) speech, discussion, problem.
ba-baya-n n. means of warding off misfortune; prescriptions for these.
ba-bayon n. (=bayu-an) the inner source of strength; the balyan’s ability to babayun (transfer his own life force (bayu) to a patient).
ba-bayun see ba-bayon.
ba-becing n. tadpole; a brave man.
ba-béda-n n. conceit, arrogance; an arrogant person.
ba-bedil-an intrans. play with toy guns, shoot with popguns, shoot corks.
ba-bedog-an n. a kind of basket for offerings.
ba-bedug n. a kind of big drum.
ba-begal-an n. robbery with violence, highway robbery.
ba-behe n. a ghost, a kind of apparition.
ba-bekal-an n. a political district, the region subject to a prabekel.
ba-belah-an coll. n. split or broken things.
ba-beluk-an n. rice stunted by disease.
ba-benat adj. naughty, mischievous, wanton.
ba-bendé n. a small bowl, an instrument in the gagambelan.
ba-bendung-an n. dam, dike, obstacle.
ba-bendu-wan n. anger, wrath, fury.
ba-bentur-an n. play-hitting each other.
ba-bengong-an n. anything that causes amazement.
ba-bencah-an n. breaking, breach, fragment, piece.
ba-bénjul-an n. joke, jest.
ba-beras-an coll. n. grain, food grains, rice.
ba-berek-an n. rottenness; decaying matter used as manure; depravity.
ba-besah-an n. being washed; things to be washed.
ba-besen n. order, command, instruction.
ba-besog-an n. a basket woven of leaves in which the offering daksina is made.
ba-béték-an n. knapsack, bag (a particular specimen), a bag commonly carried by Balinese, used as a pocket.
ba-bétél-an n. way through, narrow passage, back door.
ba-betén adv. down (beten under).
babi n. (=bawi) fat pork, bacon; n. a kind of mango (Jay).
ba-bihag-an n. fun, pleasure.
ba-bihul-an n. cramp (muscular).
ba-bijal-an n. teasing.
ba-bikul-an n. swollen muscles, contracted biceps.
ba-bintang-an adj. star-shaped (a kind of cartridge).
ba-binjat n. child of an unknown father, illegitimate child (=bebinjat).
ba-bisik-an n. whispering; intrans. whisper.
babit intrans. (mabit trans.) accuse of, charge with.
ba-biyul-an n. muscle cramp.
ba-blanja-n L. n. cost, expenses, living (what one lives on) (tetebasan H).
bablanjanne her living.
ba-blenguh-an n. stupidity, dullness of mind.
ba-bokong n. buttocks.
ba-bokor-an n. a small bowl.
babon n. mother (animal) (mababon intrans.).
ba-bondan n. a religious teacher who fails in his duty.
ba-bontot n. a dish made with meat.
ba-bongkos-an n. a cloth for carrying things in.
babongkosane the cloth bag.
ba-boreh n. face-powder, cosmetic cream.
ba-boso n. a freshwater fish with black scales.
ba-botoh n. dicer, gambler.
ba-botoh-an n. gambling, gaming, dicing.
ba-branang-an n. a robber band.
ba-bras-an n. rice, grain.
ba-brata-n n. abstinence, prohibition.
babu n. domestic servant, maid.
ba-buduh-an n. (=buduhan) fiance, betrothed.
babuk adj. shallow.
ba-buksah n. Buddhist priest. (S bhiksu-)
ba-bulung-an 1. n. the earthen ridges on which tobacco is grown.
ba-bulung-an 2. n. husked rice that has not yet been winnowed.
ba-buntil-an n. pack, bundle; a sash, used as a pocket; pocket money; a knot in a handkerchief with money inside it.
ba-bunuh-an adv. straight on, forward.
ba-bungkil-an coll. n. roots, tubers, used as medicine or spices.
ba-buron (=buru-an) coll. n. game, animals, animals that are hunted.
babusah n. the name of a demon.
ba-buta-n coll. n. the spirits, esp evil spirits.
ba-buwan adv. above, on top (OBali) (=baduhur).
babuwan (babuwanan intrans.) be over, on, above.
babuwanan n. what is above, over.
babuwang 1. n. a kind of large black ant.
babuwang 2. intrans. be above, be up;
lutung babuwang di kayu the monkeys are up in the trees.
babuwang interj. amazement (NBal).
babuyut-an 1. n. a place of prayer.
babuyutan 2. n. trembling with age.
ba-bwat-an H. n. load, what is carried on a vehicle (mwatan L).
baca 1. (=waca, paca) intrans. (maca, mamaca trans.) read (normally aloud, even to oneself).
baca 2. intrans. speak with a defect.
bacak intrans. reckon, count.
bacin R. n. dung, excrement, rust (tahi L).
bacinin pass. be covered with rust or excrement.
baco adj. not regular, not in order; baco nawah barang offer too low a price in bargaining.
bacok intrans. stab, pierce.
bacoka pass. be stabbed.
bacokang pass. be caused to be stabbed.
bada L. n. stable, stall, sty; barn (mada trans.) (kandang H); badan céléng n. the pigsty in the house complex.
badahang, badahin pass. be put in a stable or stall.
badah adj. easy to catch (cow), tame, easy to catch up, easy to overtake.
badah interj. (of complaint, sadness).
badan K. n. body (hawak L).
badasa n. a skin disease consisting of many pimples that burst.
badawang n. a mythological turtle.
badbad intrans. (madbad trans.) disentangle, open, clear.
bade 1. n. bier.
bade 2. intrans. (mbadé, madé trans) guess a riddle, judge, estimate; n. a riddle, guess, estimate.
badébadé-han n. puzzle, riddle, guessing-game.
badég Jav n. palm wine.
badeng adj. colorless, unclear, black (dung);
badeng kotot, badeng seged pitch-black.
badengang pass. be made black.
badengin pass. be painted black.
bades 1. n. very fertile soils.
bades 2. n. swollen belly (through dropsy or from eating rice).
bades 3. intrans. itch because of sweat.
badi n. a belly swollen with intestinal worms (a disease of children).
badigal n. an insect’s cocoon in cow dung.
badih 1. n. a slice, piece of a fruit, especially a natural division of orange or lemon.
badih 2. n. a sheaf of rice.
badil intrans. lisp, have a speech defect.
bading intrans. (mading, madingang trans.)  turn, twist, turn round.
badingang pass. be turned.
badingin pass. be returned, turned back.
badog intrans. eat, gobble (a coarse word).
badogol n. image; togogé hané huli batu hadanina badogol the images that (are) of stone are called badogol.
badoh 1. adj. lazy, indolent.
badoh 2. intrans. cover.
badong (=babadong) n. breastplate; also a metal plate worn over the vulva by Muslim girls; n. an ornament worn on the neck by dancers.
badongang pass. be adorned with a badong.
badongin pass. be given a badong.
ba-dugal, ba-dugal-an n. the dried blood on the wounds of a fighting-cock.
ba-duhur (=baduwur) adj. being on top, above.
baduhuran compr. of higher rank, higher caste.
badung 1. n. a kind of sour, tart fruit.
badung 2. n. one of the kingdoms of Bali.
badur n. a species of sea fish.
badusa n. coffin.
baga 1. n. hole, gap, groove, ravine, vulva.
bagan tambah the hole in a hoe where the haft is put in.
baga 2 n. (=bagi, bagi-yan) share, part, piece.
bagal adj. too large, too coarse (basketry, carving); n. a piece that is too big (magal trans.).
bagalan adj. still too big, not yet reduced enough.
bagas n. a species of plant.
bagawan n. a title for bràhmaóas and kûatriyas (S bhagawan, bhagawan-).
bhagawan n. a religious expert, especially a prince who has given up his rule and become a scholarly priest.
bagbag intrans. (=bogbog) cause trouble, be generous out of boastfulness; babble, chatter.
bagbaga pass. be doing some work a little at a time and not getting it finished.
bage L. adj. blessed; n. good fortune (bagya K).
baged intrans. arrive behind schedule, be late.
bagenda K n. (=bagendra) a person of princely birth.
bagi intrans. (magi trans.) divide, share; H. n. portion, part, share (hedum L).
ba-bagi-an n. division.
bagibagina pass. was shared out, distributed.
bagina pass. be divided by someone.
bagiyan n. portion, share, part.
bagiyang pass. be caused to divided, be divided for someone.
habagi n. one part, one half.
bagler intrans. (=baglur) (magler trans.) collide.
baglug adj. mad, insane.
baglur intrans. collide
bagor n. hind, roe-doe. bagoran n. hind, roe-doe.
bagu n. the fibrous threads around some fruit stones, or inside tree bark.
bagya L. n. (=bage, begya, begja) good fortune, happiness, luck (S bhagya); adj. blessed, fortunate, well off (sadiya H); the word is used as a formula of greeting: ‘Hail! Welcome!’ bagya teka welcome! (sadiya rahuh H).
bagus adj. beautiful, handsome (man) (=jegég for women); hida bagus a tide of brahman men.
bagusang pass. be made beautiful.
bah 1 (=hebah) intrans. (ngebah trans.) fall (of sth standing upright), fall down, fall over; remove from its place; bah bedég pass. be smitten by an epidemic (a village).
bah-an n. being prostrate, having been felled.
bahang pass. be felled, be made to fall over.
bahin pass. be fallen on, lie under sth.
bah 2. interj. (expresses amazement).
baha 1. n. a glowing coal, a coal fire.
baha 2. n. (=hijas) a bunch of bananas (as opposed to a whole stalk with its rows of fruit).
bahag 1. intrans. (=bahak) attack as a band.
bahag 2. L. intrans. (mamahag trans.) be red (bahak H) bahag muha ‘be red in the face’ =be furious.
bahag-an compar redder.
bahah intrans. be swollen and red, be inflamed (a wound).
bahah-an compar more swollen and red.
bahak intrans. (mbahak, mahak, mamahak trans.) rob, attack, go in a body to obtain sth; n. robbery.
bahan 1. L. n. board, plank (papan H); bahan tulis a writing board.
bahan 2. L. n. origin, cause, reason, occasion (= krana); prep. because of, as a result of, through, by (agent of a pass. vb), by (instrument), with (instrument), of (material) (hantuk H); bahan cannot be used to indicate the agent of a pass. vb if the sentence contains bahan used as a vb, being then replaced by tekén (similarly, hantuk H. is replaced by ring).
bahana by means of it; the prep. usually has the form ban, when unstressed ben.
bahané ‘the origin’ and bahanné ‘its origin’ often used for ‘as a result,’ hence the meaning ‘because’; this word is used extremely frequently and is very often contracted to ban or ben, and used in this form in all its meanings.
bahan 3. intrans. (mbahan, mahan trans.) get, obtain (polih H).
bahan pass. 1ps & 2ps is got, was got.
bahana pass. 3ps is got by him, was obtained by him.
bahan 4. L. used as an aux. vb (bahana if the agent is 3ps) (mahan trans. is similarly used but less frequently) (hantuk, hantuka H); it must be used in any sentence that begins with an adv. (even sing ‘not’) or adverbially-used vb or n.; the aux. comes immediately after the adv., and has no meaning of its own, the real vb, in the N-form, coming later: tekek bahana ngisi ‘was-held-fast aux. (he) held’ =firmly he held (it); sing bahan makat ngingetang ‘not aux. (I) can (I) remember (it)’ =I can’t remember it. When the context makes obvious what the vb of the sentence must be, this vb is often omitted, the adv. +bahan/hantuk then being the only vb of the sentence, e.g. kéné bahan ‘like-this (will be acted by me)’ =this is what I will do.
bahan 5. (ban, bahane, bahanne) conj. but (nanging, nanghing H); because, through (+gerund, e.g. bahanné tyang sakit ‘its cause (was) I (was) ill’ =through my being ill).
bahang 1. intrans. (mbahang, mahang trans.) give (has a widely extended field: hand over (things), offer (thing to someone), allow, permit, let off (debt, punishment) (hica H, hawéh C).
bahanga pass. be given (things) by someone, be permitted, be allowed (to do sth).
bahangin pass. have sth given to one.
bahang 2. intrans. feel hot, be too hot.
bahangan compar too hot; hujan baangan caught in the rain and too hot.
bahas L. n. grain, i.e. rice (the uncooked seeds. padi L, pantu H is the plant, esp the plant with ripe grain; jijih is pounded and dehusked bahas; nasi steamed/boiled rice, ready to eat); sometimes bahas (beras H) is used for husked and cooked rice.
bahas pipis the stars; munyin bahas pipis the voice of the stars.
bahat intrans. (mbahat trans.) be heavy, be weighty; L. adj. heavy, loaded; difficult, burdensome; important; bahat bulu n. pregnancy; adj. pregnant (habot H).
bahat-an compar heavier; too heavy.
bahatang pass. be weighed, be made heavy.
bahatin pass. be made heavier.
bahayah (=bayah) L. n. pay, payment (tahur H).
bahbah 1. H. intrans. (mahbah trans.) begin, make a beginning.
bahbah 2. intrans. (mahbah trans.) shatter, scatter, fall to pieces.
bahbahan n. dispersion, scattering. bahbahang pass. be scattered, dispersed.
bahem R. n. molar, grinding tooth (panggal L).
baheng (=beheng) adj. hot, inflamed.
bahés (=bahis) L. n. leg, foot (buntut M, cokor C).
bahet (=behet) intrans. throw, strike, hit.
bahi adj. stingy, mean.
bahig adj. with belly distended by eating.
bahingin n. the banyan tree, a kind of fig tree. punyan bahinginé the banyan.
bahis (=batis) L. n. foot, leg (buntut M, cokor H).
bahisin pass. be provided with feet (mahis trans.).
bahita C. n. boat (prahu L).
bahni K. n. fire.
bahon (=bawon) n. fumes, vapor.
bahong (=bawong) L. n. neck (gulu C).
bahongné his neck, its neck.
bahongin pass. be given a neck (mahongin trans.).
bahos (=bawos) R. n. words, speech, conversation; intrans. (mahos trans.) speak, discuss.
bahosin pass. be discussed, considered; pati bahosin pass. be discussed at length.
bahu 1. C. n. arm, hand, shoulder (S bahu-) (=bàhu); jero bahu the chief of a village.
bahu 2. (Raf) adj. sportive, wanton.
bahu 3. (=busan) H. adj. new; adv. newly, just now, already (mara L).
bahud intrans. tell jokes, curiosities; H. adj. merry, facetious, witty (pangus R, banyol L).
bahudanda H. n. ‘hand-staff =officer, official, commander.
bahuh 1. adj. fat, stout.
bahuh 2 (Badung) adj. curved; n. curve.
bahuk (Raf) adj. rotten.
ba-hulu adv. above.
bahunam (Raf) adv. lately.
bahung 1. (=bawung) n. a ghost in the shape of a pig.
bahung 2. (Raf) n. jackal,
bahur intrans. be confused, be in disorder;
munyi bahur n. unclear speech.
bahus n. a species of flower.
bahut n. bolt, screw (D bout).
bahya (=bahiya) K n. misfortune, bad luck.
baja intrans. (maja-hang trails) sound (depth), examine; fish for sth.
bajag n. pirate, sea-rover; intrans. be a pirate.
bajang adj. young, unmarried (hanom R); n. young person (male or female), youth (majang trans.);
bajang cerik a young child.
bajang-bajang pl. young people.
men bajangan n. a good spirit that guards the graves of children. bajang-bajang n. a kind of grass.
bajeg intrans. be straight up, vertical;
bajeg surya the sun is directly overhead, i.e. it is high noon.
bajing (Jav) n. squirrel (semal L).
bajingan n. a criminal.
bajo n. a big fish dried in the sun.
sudang bajo, wong bajo n. fisherman, esp Buginese, likely to be also a pirate.
bajog intrans. (majog trans.) have just arrived (=pajog).
bajra n. mace, club (S vajra-); a padanda’s bell (=genta).
baju n. a general word for a garment for the upper part of the body; the usual meaning is ‘coat, jacket’ (kulambi C, kwaca R).
bajubaju n. clothes. bajun the garment (of).
baju bapang n. a sleeveless jacket.
baju besi n. a vest of mail (chain mail).
baju jas L. (kwaca jas H) n. coat.
baju kahos n. singlet, undershirt.
baju kutang n. brassiere.
baju rok n. European dress (for women).
bak n. Chinese ink; basin, bowl (D bak).
baka 1. K. n. a kind of heron (cangak L); n. the name of a raksasa.
baka 2. K. n. hypocrite; padanda baka a priest whose conduct is unbecoming.
bakal 1. prep. for, intended for; intrans. be intended for, be going to be; the L. word is used before a vb (pacang H., jaga C) to indicate future action; in a predicate where English would have ‘to be,’ bakal =’shall be’; if used as a n. (=babakalan) it means ‘something intended to be,’ e.g. draft (of a book), bakal baju cloth for a jacket, bakal basa spices for preserving the body (Lk. 24), bakal hubuhan fodder for cattle, bakal sepatu leather for shoes.
bakal 2. intrans. (makal trans.) prepare a field, plough.
tanah bakalan n. a clod in a ploughed field.
bakang, bakangbakang n. a special kind of oath-taking, done in the village temple.
bakar H. intrans. (makar trans.) roast at or on a fire (tunu intrans., nunu trans. L).
bakar-an n. a kind of offering of uncooked foods.
bakas n. a sort of grass.
bakat 1. L. intrans. (makat trans.) get back, receive (keni, polih H); find, get back something that one has lost; be able, may, obtain (=makatang, kabakatanga); bakat hanu be extremely angered.
bakat 2. n. talent, gift (Mal).
bakbak intrans. (makbak trans.) go apart leaving an opening between.
bakbakang pass. be opened (a road, path).
baki 1. n. a tray of wood or woven bamboo.
baki 2. n. failure to menstruate; intrans. reach menopause.
bakicot n. a kind of land-snail.
baksa H. intrans. bite, chew, masticate (pakpak L).
bakta intrans. (makta trans.) carry, bring, take away (haba L).
baktahan n. thing carried.
baktanida pass. were carried by her.
bakti C. n. worship (S bhakti-); intrans. (mbakti, makti trans.) honor, worship, respect, praise (God); bakti ring be respectful towards.
baktimarga n. the religious life of surrender to God; adj. pious, righteous.
baktinin imp.. worship, serve (God) (see mabakti, ngabakti).
bakuh 1. L. adj. hard, inflexible (wood); strong, unbending, firmly convinced.
bakuh 2. intrans. (makuh trans.) perform a ceremony of installation.
bakul n. a small basket.
bakung n. lily.
bunga-bakungé the lilies.
bakutis (bekutis) n. maggots in cow dung.
bal n. ball (D bal); mahin bal play ball.
bala K. n. army, host, troops; subjects; camp. (S bala-); bala di pungkur rearguard.
balané the army.
balaning the army of.
bala déwa n. the name of the 25th week of the Balinese year of 210 days.
balàbala (N Bali) n. reel, spool.
balàbretya n. peoples, hosts.
balàtani n. battalion, troop, army.
balabar (=belabar) n. flood, inundation.
balah 1. n. clod, lump of earth.
balah 2. n. a side dish, eaten with rice.
balan n. the weal raised by a blow with a thin stick or lash; intrans. (malan trans.) lash, whip, thrash.
balang n. grasshopper, locust.
pan balang tamak ‘Mr Greedy Locust,’ the name of the shrewd peasant hero of folktales.
balap n. race, contest in running; intrans. race, run races.
balapa pass. be overtaken in a race.
balap-an n. a shoal of fish floating on the surface of the sea.
balé n. a platform, raised on pillars, with a thatched roof, and walls on one or two sides; most houses have more than one of these in the complex, and the life of the family is lived on them, though the parents and the young children do not sleep on them but in a walled house. There are also bales in temples and in public places in villages.
baléné the balé; there are many sizes and shapes, and they are often reserved for particular uses.
balé bandung a balé in a temple, with twelve pillars below and decorated posts above.
balé banjar the meeting place of the sub-community called banjar (see banjar), which builds and maintains it.
balé buga in the Bali Haga village of Tenganan, the home of the girls’ society during die period of initiation.
balé gede the big balé in the complex where visitors are entertained and meetings held.
balé gong the bales in temple complexes where the gagambelans play music for religious ceremonies
balé hagung a big balé in the village temple or in a palace, where big meetings are held.
balé mundak a six-pillared balé in a temple court.
balé pamahyasan the place where dancers dress for ceremonies in die inmost court of a temple.
balé pamujan the balé where the padandas perform their rites in a temple.
balé panggung a specially high balé, like a tower.
balé sakenemé a balé with six pairs of pillars, in a house-complex (sakenem with six), where most social activities take place (hence maheneman intrans. chat, converse).
balé sari a balé of nine pillars in a temple court.
balébaléyan n. a small model in the shape of a balé (this word-formation is frequent: reduplicated root + -an, indicating that die thing in question is a sham, an imitation of die thing named by the root).
baled 1. n. a firefly that can give a painful sting.
baled-an n. die stinging of this firefly.
baled 2. n. a current of white water spreading out amongst blue water.
baleman n. a fire, smoldering embers of wood, etc.; baleman sambuk embers of burning coconut husks.
balenggu (=blenggu) n. irons for die feet, fetters.
ma-blenggu intrans. be fettered.
balér-an H. compar more towards the north/south (see kalér H, kaja L).
bales 1. n. reward, recompense, desserts; intrans. reward, repay, retaliate; respond, reply (to a letter) (=wales); bales budi gratitude.
bales 2. L. adj. violent; heavy (rain).
bales-an compar more violent, heavier (male-sang trans.).
balét n. ballet (D); higel balét ballet dancing.
baletek adj. thick and short (body), stocky.
bali 1. n. Bali; adj. Balinese.
basa bali Balinese language.
cara bali in the Balinese way.
nusa bali, tanah bali island, land of Bali.
bali 2. intrans. make offerings, sacrifice.
balinin pass. was offered.
baliyan n. shaman, healer, Balinese medical practitioner;
baliyan getih n. surgeon;
baliyan jaran n. horse-doctor;
baliyan ketakson n. a shaman who goes into trance (taksu a benevolent spirit);
baliyan manak (=baliyan manakan) n. midwife;
baliyan ngengngengan n. a shaman who uses formulae of healing (mantras);
baliyan siksik n. a shaman who goes into trance;
baliyan tenung n. one who uses letters (sastra);
baliyan wisada n. a lettered shaman.
bali 3. K. adj. very mighty, strong, able; n. a hero.
bali 4. K. n. a kind of cricket (insect).
balih 1. L. intrans. (malih trans.) look at, watch, inspect (tonton H).
balihbalihan n. spectacle, performance to be watched.
balihin imp. look at it!
ma-balih L. intrans. be a spectator (nonton H).
balih 2. intrans. (malih trans.) try, test, try on.
balihin imp. try it!
balihina pass. was tried by him.
balik pass. be wrong way round, be reversed, (come) from the opposite side, plough (a field) over (malik trans.).
balikan n. returning; bwin habalikan ‘again one return’ (=in a future incarnation); adv. (Raf) except, otherwise, nevertheless.
balikin pass. seek to return.
balik sumpah n. a ceremony to remove a curse (which returns to the one who placed the curse).
balolot adj. pitch black.
balon n. balloon (D).
balon listrik electric light bulb.
balong 1. n. a tiny bat (animal).
balong 2. n. a weed that spoils rice.
balongan n. flying-fish.
balongsong n. a metal cover (not a lid).
balu 1. L. n. (=balung) (rangda, randa H) widow, widower; adj. widowed.
balu bunter, balu putung widow(er) without children.
balu ma-kabun widow left with daughters.
balu ma-karang widow left with sons.
balu mwani widower.
balu remban widow(er) with many children.
balu 2. n. a bet on a cockfight (win or draw).
balulang 1. n. skin of an animal, leather.
balulang mangap n. herald, a king’s messenger.
ha-balulang adj. very many (as many as will go on a hide).
balulang 2. n. a kind of grass.
baluluk n. a species of fruit.
balumbang n. a hole in the earth, den, cave, mineshaft.
balung 1. (=balu) n. widow, widower.
balung 2. n. a large bone, a fishbone, a skeleton.
balung hurip n. a dressed skin with horns, tail, etc. left on it.
balung pipi n. the funny-bone in the elbow.
balungbung n. quiver for arrows.
balungbung mas n. a quiver of gold.
balungking (=blungking) n. a young melon, eaten as a vegetable.
balur n. lump, piece (of meat, fruit).
balut n. dim sight; intrans.: see only dimly.
baluwan n. chameleon.
bama n. a kind of timber.
bama déwa n. Úiwa.
bambang L. n. (=song, belong) hole, aperture (bangbang H).
ban 1. n. tire, band, ribbon (D band).
ban 2. (=ban) (contr. of bahan) intrans. get, find, obtain (hantuk H); prep. by (agent), in regard to, about; conj. but.
bana pass. be done; aux. vb (see bahan 4).
bané, banné conj. but; prep. because of, through.
banah 1. n. a kind of yam.
banah 2. n. the umbilical cord of a baby.
banas n. a species of demon.
banaspati n. the lord of these demons.
banat (=bagus) adj. beautiful, nice, kind.
banban 1. n. a species of large sea fish.
banban 2. intrans. be played softly (music).
banban 3. (=katugtugan) intrans. have been attained (an end), fulfilled (a hope).
bancana n. danger, disaster (mancana trans.).
bancang 1. L. adj. (=bangkiang) middle (madya H); n. waist, loins.
bancang 2. intrans. (mancang trans.) disappoint.
bancel intrans. not run smoothly, stick, be clogged, jammed.
banci n. vegetable soup, with young coconut and spices.
bancih n. hermaphrodite.
bancingah n. an open space in front of a temple; the first courtyard of a palace, in which the king shows himself to his subjects.
bancut intrans. (mancut trans.) draw, pull, lift up, take away.
banda C. n. string, tie, bond (S bandha-); intrans. bind a prisoner, tie up.
bandanin pass. be an artiste in dance and music.
bandah n. row, series, rank; intrans. arrange in a row (mandah trans.).
bandahang pass. be put in a row.
bandal n. mutineer. mandal trans. mutiny.
bandang 1. intrans. buy.
bandanga pass. be bought by someone.
bandang 2. intrans. be slow-moving, drag behind.
bandanga pass. be dragged behind.
bandar 1. (=labuhan) n. harbor (Pers. bandar).
bandar 2. n. banker (in gambling) (mandarin trans.).
bandéga n. sailor, seaman.
bandegané the sailors, boatmen.
bandeng n. a species of fish.
bandéra (=bendera) n. flag, banner (Port).
bandésa n. a small chief, local headman; a title given to some superior members of the sudra caste.
bandil n. the thorn of rattan.
banding 1. L. n. likeness, counterpart (himbang H) (tanding ‘counterpoise, parallel’ is used in the same way to make comparisons); intrans. compare with (manding trans.); banding ring pass. be compared with.
bandingang pass. be compared with (=pada-hang L).
bandingin pass. be used as a model, pattern.
banding 2. (=bandung) n. a large balé.
bandrang n. a sort of short spear, used by dancers in some dances.
bandrangan n. a sort of short spear, used by dancers in some dances.
bandung 1. n. a big balé where corpses are kept and offerings made for the dead.
bandung 2. C. intrans. sleep (pules L).
bandung 3. intrans. compete, be matched with.
bandungang pass. be caused to compete.
bandungin pass. be matched by.
bandut n. a string, cord, esp. a cord with which things are tied and slung from the shoulder; n. a package of meat or fish tied up and boiled; intrans.: tie sth with a cord for carrying it.
baneh H (barén L) n. dead meat, meat used as bait for fish or traps; seduction; intrans. bait a trap or line; seduce (maneh trans.).
banehin pass. be baited.
banéh adj. other, strange, foreign (see hanéh); adv. otherwise, else.
wong hanéh n. foreigner.
banén intrans. do sth before doing sth else; adv. before.
banet intrans. (manet trans.) be stiff, rigid.
bani L intrans. dare, be bold, venture (purun H);
sing bani L (tan wénten purun H) be forbidden, be afraid to do sth.
baninin pass. be emboldened to.
baniyang pass. be made bold, caused to venture; imp.. make bold; baniyang hibané pluck up your courage!
banih (=banéh) adj. strange, foreign, other.
banjah n. porch, veranda; intrans. (manjah trans.) cover, shade; divide.
banjahang pass. be covered by someone.
banjang n. a net used for fishing in the sea.
banjangin pass. be caught in such a net (manjang trans.).
banjar n. a very important element in Bali life, being a subdivision of the adults of a village, who engage in many communal activities; they are often all relatives, or live together in one section of the village.
banjaran n. a row of houses, in which the members of a banjar live.
banjaré the community (as above) (manjarin trans.).
banjeng intrans. (manjeng trans.) lie in a straight row.
banjeng-an n. a straight row.
banjir intrans. flood, overflow (river) (Mal).
banjur 1. n. an unwatched fishhook set in a river.
banjur 2. n. a row, series.
banjur 3. intrans. be a continual winner in gambling.
bank n. bank (financial) (D).
bano n. a sea fish with a long snout.
banong (=waneng) n. boundary; the part of a cockpit in which the fights take place.
banta n. muscular cramp (esp from bathing).
bantal H n. pillow, cushion (=galeng) (Mal); n. a kind of sweet wrapped in young coconut leaves.
bantang n. a staff, stick; a big, thick stick; a tree trunk; the body of a drum, hollowed from a tree trunk, with a skin over either end; n. framework, skeleton.
bantang cunguh n. the ridge of the nose.
bantang hiru n. the shaft of an arrow.
bantangin pass. be given a framework (mantangin trans.).
bantang panulisan the shaft of a pen. gedegede bantang gedang ‘big indeed is the trunk of a papaya’ (big but hollow and empty).
bantar 1. n. an iron or copper ring on the bottom of a spear shaft.
bantar 2. adj. smooth, even, flat (a road).
bantas 1. n. the balk dividing two holdings or two fields, boundary.
bantas 2. L. adj. as much as; adv. about, approximately, only (hinganan H, sawatara C).
bantat intrans. be unteachable, disobedient, self-willed (mostly of women); refuse to heal (a wound).
banteh intrans. grow worse (a wound, through neglect), be infected, swell again.
bantel intrans. (mantel trans.) refuse to move (horse), be stubborn.
banten n. offering, anything offered to a god or to spirits; intrans. (manten trans.) make offerings.
babanten coll. n. religious offerings.
bantenang pass. have offerings made on one’s behalf.
bantené the offering, offerings.
bantenin pass. offerings are made for someone.
banten megat offerings made on the third day after death.
banten pangeluharang the offering for the driving out (of demons).
banten ring sor H offerings against evil spirits.
banteng adj. solid, firm, tight.
banténg H. n. (sampi L) bovine, cow, bull.
banténg culayan H (sampi materes L) n. a castrated bull, ox.
bantep intrans. (mantep trans.) stop, rebound, bump, bump into sth.
banter adj. many, much; adv. about, only (=bantas).
bantet n. leadership; intrans. be strong.
banting intrans. strike, throw,
bantiran adj. adolescent, marriageable.
bantu K. n. (tulung, hohop L) help; relief (for a besieged town); intrans. help, support.
bantuhan, bantuwan n. help, support, aid.
bantug intrans. be unlucky; never succeed in what one tries to do.
bantus intrans. (mantus trans.) hoist up with a jerk, lift the hook out when fishing.
bantusang pass. be made to come up with a jerk.
bang H adj. (=habang) red, red-brown (barak L); n. rust on iron; C. adj. black (selem L).
bang bungkem C. n. a dog with a red body and black mouth.
bang wetan n. ‘red east,’ the red of dawn.
bangal (=bengal) adj. unyielding, obstinate (woman).
bangbang n. a hollow place, esp in a road; pit, grave; den (for animal) (mangbang trans.).
banger adj. black-skinned (rice).
banges adj. noisome, unpleasant in smell or taste.
banget H. adj. grave, hard, tight, grievous (sanget L; dahat, rahat C).
bangetang pass. be made tight, hard, grievous (manget trans.). bangetin pass. be made harder, worse, graver.
bangga 1. adj. boastful (H proud); intrans. make a display.
bangga 2. adj. resistant, recalcitrant; intrans. go one’s own way, refuse to be convinced.
hartta bangga n. money thrown away, money lost.
banggayang (depang L) imp. leave (it) alone; please don’t bother; I can manage.
banggelé n. a tuber used as medicine.
banggi 1. L. adj. austere, stem, stubborn, offensive (jrenggi R).
banggi 2. intrans. enjoy annoying, teasing people (manggi trans.).
banggiyang H (=hanggayang) imp.. leave me alone.
banggras intrans. yell, scream, use rude coarse language.
banggul n. a ladder made by cutting notches in a thick bamboo pole.
bangiyang n. a species of fruit.
pilihpilih bekul, bakat bwah bangiyang ‘prefer a thorn-apple, get a bangiyang’ =hope for something special and get something worthless.
bangiyang-an n. the blood that comes out after a baby has been born.
bangka (a very coarse word) adj. dead; intrans. die, go to pot.
bangka-han n. a dead thing, carcass.
bangkahang pass. be killed (mangkahang trans.).
bangkak intrans. (mangkak trans.) be superfluous, leave room for.
bangkal 1. n. a big wild boar.
bangkal 2. n. a species of insect.
bangkalbangkal-an n. a kind of dice game, considered coarse.
bangkang-in pass. be made fast to a rope or a chain (animal) (mangkangin trans.).
bangkarna adj. scarlet (of a rooster’s comb/wattle).
bangke L n. (watangan H, layon C) a dead body, corpse.
bangkén the corpse (of).
bangkéné the dead body.
bangkénné his corpse.
bangkes R. n. (kebris L) sneeze.
bangket 1. C. n. rice terrace, the standing rice in the field (sawah L).
bangket hidané his rice fields.
bangket 2. n. the juice of a betel-quid put on a wound or a sore part by a baliyan.
bangket 3. n. a mystical sign in a part of one’s body that one is saved.
bangkis (=bangkes) intrans. sneeze.
bangkit 1. K. adj. clever, beautiful, interesting, smelling attractive.
bangkit 2. K. intrans. be specially fortunate in trade.
bangkit 3. (=babangkit) n. a kind of offering.
bangkluk (Gyanyar) adj. not valid.
bangkok 1. n. a species of dragonfly.
bangkok 2. n. a species of domesticated fowl.
bangkot intrans. be large, be heavy, be many.
bangkot-an n. heaviness, weight.
bangkrah K. n. corpse.
bangkruk n. a kind of poison, in the form of small insects.
bangkrut (=bangkerut, bangru) adj. bankrupt, lacking power (D bankroet).
bangku n. bench, seat (D bank).
bangkudu n. morinda (a tree).
bangkuk n. a species of sea fish.
bangkung n. a breeding sow, a wild boar.
bangkungbangkung n. a species of grasshopper; n. a species of insect; n. a species of shrub.
bangkyang L (madya R) n. waist, the middle of the body, loins.
bangkyangé the loins.
bangkyangin pass. be fitted to the waist.
bangkyangné his waist.
bangladan n. a species of sea fish.
banglah L intrans. (lengar R) have a wide expanse of forehead, be bald in front.
banglé n. a species of root, like ginger or turmeric.
bangli K. adj. fine, thin.
banglong n. snare, noose; intrans. lay a snare, snare.
banglor intrans. snare.
banglot intrans. snare.
banglotin pass. have a cord put round one’s neck.
bango (=banguh) n. a species of crane or heron.
bangru (=bangkrut) adj. bankrupt.
bangsa (=wangsa) n. nation; caste; a recognizable group of people (S vaýsa-).
bangsane the nation. 
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