Museum Timah
en/ This museum is a treasure trove that documents the history of
mining in Indonesia. Displays down here include tools and relics related to the
mining industry, and even the museum building itself is a part of history,
having been used as refuge by various revolutionary figures during the period
of their exile.
in/ Menyediakan informasi sejarah dan seluk-beluk pertambangan timah
di Indonesia lengkap dengan benda-benda peninggalannya. Gedung ini tergolong
bersejarah karena pernah ditempati oleh tokoh-tokoh perjuangan bangsasemasa
Pantai Matras
en/ Located in the village of Sinar Baru in Sungailiat, this beach
lies a 45-minute drive from Pangkalpinang, and its pearly white sands stretch for a full 3km
down the coast. A popular evening hangout spot with the locals.
in/ Terletak di Desa Sinar Baru. Sungailiat sekitar 45 menit
perjalanan darat dari Pangkalpinang. Pantai berpasir putih lembut yang
terbentang sepanjang tiga km ini merupakan tempat favorit di sore hari.
Bangka Botanical
en/ Standing on top of a former tin mine, this sooha site has now
been developed into an educational-tourism destination that focuses its
energies on agricultural issues. This is the main agro tourism destination on
the island of Bangka.
in/ Berdiri di atas lahan bekas galian tambang timah seluas kurang
lebih 300 hektar. Kebunraya ini menjadi tempat pengembangan wisata edukatif pertanian
terpadu yang menjadi tujuan wisata agrodi Pulau Bangka.
en/Garuda Indonesia flies from Jakarta to Pangkalpinang vv 14
times per week. Renting avehicle is recommended if you’re looking to visit
Bangka’s main tourist spots, as public transportation here is still
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